Ticket Hash: 5a766eb3bd2eba06345f5c87488c6c3d3d5aebb0
Title: Progress Tracking for Digital Mars C++
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2020-12-15 04:31:59
Version Found In:
Enhanced in [fd7c154fb056ccdf]
User Comments:
luismachuca added on 2020-12-15 03:51:23:

Ticket to track progress of implementation to get cxxomfort to compile on Digital Mars C++ versions 8.40 onward. As of this ticketing the most recent version is 8.57.

Digital Mars is an old, pre-C++98 compiler that lacks support for some basic C++ features (and hence for TR1, etc) but still has enough to be given base feaures and some backports by Cxxomfort. In particular, it supports template template, typeof and nullptr.

Starting notes: /wiki?name=Per-Compiler Notes#notes-dmc.