Simple backports for C++ -
The cxxomfort library implements an emulation of the "explicit operator" feature of C++11 that allows classes to provide explicit conversion to a defined set of types. A customized conversion "cast" that works like C++>=11's explicit operator
and is invoked explicitly via a pseudokeyword "<tt>explicit_cast</tt>". The implementation is built upon based on the explicit_cast implementation from Imperfect C++: Solutions for the Real World, and "adapted out" in C++11.
An example usage:
In order to invoke this feature, two special keywords are used:
Library code adds a special member function to the class using the macro CXXO_EXPLICIT_OPERATOR(target_type)
to declare its signature (potentially adding cv-qualification), then continues with the body of the conversion operator.
Client code evaluates the conversion via the pseudokeyword explicit_cast<target_type>(variable)
When in a C++<11 context, using this feature resolves to a special function call that provides a bool
; when in C++>=11 context, it resolves instead to the native explicit operator bool()
Example result code for the above code in C++03:
Whereas resulting code in a C++>=11 context looks like this:
Because the feature is implemented as a pseudo-keyword, it can not be used to create variables at if(...)
scope, as C++<03 does not have the ability to autoinvoke bool conversions in such contexts.
The solution is simple: implement the guard variable in an outer scope: